October 4, 2022

Odour Digestor proves itself as a popular cleaning solution for Forensic Teams


Odour Digestor has found a new niche market: cleaning up after a crime or accident scene. It takes expert knowledge and reliable products to restore an affected home to what it was before the tragedy.

Petro van der Westhuizen of www.crimescenesolutions.co.za is one such specialist who swears by the effectiveness of Sannitree Odour Digestor. She traditionally used chemical-based products for her clean-ups but grew concerned when bad odours kept returning, upsetting the traumatised occupants of the affected home. She desperately needed a product that could literally digest blood, bodily fluids and human tissue without damaging carpets and fittings.

As an example, she tells us about a recent incident involving an elderly couple who tragically died within one week of each other. Their bodies were only discovered a week after the event, and Petro was called to assist a week later, meaning the gentleman’s body had been decomposing for three weeks. “Both had medical issues,” says Petro. “As far as the Police could establish, the husband must have fallen in the bathroom whilst shaving, hit his head and died. Sadly, the wife could not do anything to help and the post-mortem revealed she died a week after the husband.” Said Petro, “The house was full of chemicals and fingerprint powder used by the police, but the worst part was the bodily fluids in the bathroom ran down the passage and into the room next door. I used about 25 litres of Odour Digestor in the house and the results were dramatic.” She continues: “I also used a litre of Fat-Cracker as there were lots of fatty bodily fluids. Both your products once again came out tops!!!”

“The best part is that you can now walk into that house without even knowing that such a tragedy took place. The son of the couple was extremely traumatized and didn’t even want to come close to the house during the three days we spent there. Yesterday he was able to walk through the house. Thanks again for a wonderful product!”

Regards, Petro van der Westhuizen – owner, www.crimescenesolutions.co.za

Home/Odour Digestor proves itself as a popular cleaning solution for Forensic Teams