

Aqua-X™ is a biological water cleaner for prawn, tilapia, abalone and trout tanks and is designed to break down dead algae, fish excretes, excess feeds, bottom sediments and slime, as well as build and maintain a healthy ecological environment in larger bodies of water.

It requires power aeration in the treated pond as it works more efficiently at high oxygen levels.

Each gram of Aqua-X™ biological water cleaner contains approximately 10 billion selected microbes and multiple hydrolytic enzymes, which occur naturally and are completely environmentally safe. It has a major advantage over other products in that it is complimentary to the decomposition of organic waste without any of the undesirable side effects.


How does it work?

Improves water quality in prawn, tilapia, abalone and prawn tanks

Water quality is affected by the build-up of excess feed, excrement’s and dead prawn, tilapia, abalone or trout. The higher the stocking density, the worse this problem becomes. Aqua-X™ Biological Water Cleaner acts to break up this natural waste in to harmless carbon-dioxide.

Reduced mortality rates

Mortality rates are greatly reduced in prawn, tilapia, abalone and trout tanks as there is a significantly lower chance of stock contracting sickness from polluted water.

Digests suspended solids

Aqua-X™ works to rapidly digests suspended solids in tanks like excess feed and excrement, reducing the build-up of sludge on the bottom of the pond.

Reduces harmful gasses

Harmful gasses such as hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are substantially reduced, resulting in a healthier pond environment for the stock.

Reduces Chemical Oxygen Demand

In the process of reducing suspended solids and harmful gasses, the Chemical Oxygen Demand and Biological Oxygen Demand levels of the tank water are substantially reduced, which means a more enviro-friendly waste stream is recycled back into the water cycle.


Weekly dosages: 500g added directly to the pond close to the aerators for proper mixing and aeration. Note: 500g is specifically a dosage for ponds of 4000 m2 used at the very beginning of the farming cycle or the first week after Post Larvae have been introduced. 

Please consult us for dosages applied for the first time on ponds that are in the middle of the cycle. Eg; say after 2 to 3 weeks from the starting time and in the case of larger capacity ponds or high-density stocking.

Technical info


Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Grey Water Icon