Bio-Enzyme Granules for Pit Toilets™

Bio-Enzyme Granules for Pit Toilets™

Double Action Formula Bio-Enzyme Granules are a blend of freeze-dried bacteria and enzymes specially formulated to rapidly digest organic waste and reduce bad odours and the fly population found in and around pit toilets and latrines.

It has no significant impact on beneficial insects or organic material.


How it works

This double-action formula is specially formulated to rapidly digest organic waste. It also contains an active ingredient that attacks the larvae of flies, preventing them from shedding their skins. As this is an essential part of the larvae’s growth and development, this double-action product effectively stops the larvae from turning into flies.

The benefits

  • Rapidly digests organic waste assuring easy pump-outs
  • Attacks and neutralizes fly larvae
  • Reduces bad smells
  • Non-hazardous to people, animals, and water bodies
  • Can be beneficial when discharged after pumping to sewage treatment works

What’s it good for?

Pit toilet maintenance & fly control.



  • Mix 100 grams into a 5 litre bucket of water. Allow to stand for 10 minutes, stir and empty into pit.
  • Repeat treatment monthly.

Technical info

Active Ingredients

Bacteria: Nitrosomanas sp. Nitrobacter sp. Aerobacter sp. Bacillus subtilis, Cellulomonas sp.
Enzymes: Protease, Amalyse, Hemicellulase, Lactase, Lipase


  • 100 gram sachets – 10 per tray
  • 100 gram sachets – 250 per carton


12 months. Keep in a cool, dry place.