

Over-powering ammonia gas is known to cause respiratory problems in pigs. Sannisty™ will reduce these problems and the pig mortality rates.

Sannisty™ granules are fully degradable and enhance the performance of sewage disposal systems. It does not contribute to the pollution of water and it contains no phenols or phosphates.


Sannisty™ Granules are formulated to break down the toxic ammonia gas caused by pig or chicken urine and faeces. It reduces ammonia in pig sties & rapidly breaks down solids.

The benefits

  • Reduces ammonia odours in the animal pen
  • Reduce animal mortality rate
  • Produce a fatter pig in a shorter time
  • Solid wastes are easily manageable
  • Improves overall effluent quality
  • Can be added to pen floor, or added to food
  • Economical
  • Non toxic

What’s it good for?

  • Perfect for pig / hog pens
  • Perfect for chicken coops
  • Perfect for goat pens
  • Perfect for bovine animal pens

Sannisty™ is best applied direct to the pens or coops so that it passes through the floor slats. There will be a noticeable decrease in ammonia smell, and this can easily be verified using a Draeger ammonia test kit.

Farms that use Sannisty™ have dramatically cleaner effluent and will have far less solids accumulation and bad odour than the farm that does not.

Ask your Sannitree® representative for exact dosage amounts.


  • 1 kg bucket
  • 25 kg bulk
  • International markets – concentrates available for blending in your country


18 months in a cool, dry place

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