Tank Pong™

Tank Pong™

Many of us are doing all we can to save rainwater with greywater tanks but you may not have anticipated just how smelly your greywater can become after just a few days of storage. If this is putting you off using the water in your garden, try Tank Pong™.

This simple enzymatic solution makes ponging tank water fresh-smelling and safe to use in your garden again!

100% environment and water friendly.


How it works

Why does my greywater tank smell?

Domestic effluent always carries a content of organic material such as scraps of food from dishwashers, soil from underwear in the washing machine, body fat from the shower, etc. As this material breaks down fatty acids, sulphur compounds and nitrogen compounds release malodours.

Catchment tanks come in a variety of sizes. The daily throughput and loading of effluent is dependent on the number of people using the facilities and the source i.e. kitchen/shower/bath. The faster the collected effluent is dispersed the better.

Normally the liquid is pumped out by a submersible attached to a float switch which always leaves a residue under the pump. The organic material in this residue begins to decompose resulting in a sulphurous malodour.

How does Tank Pong™ help?

Tank Pong™ reduces the malodour upon application.
Tank Pong™ contains a formulation of bacteria and specific enzymes which help to rapidly digest the organic material.

During this decomposition period, malodours normally escape, so to this end we have included a sulphur retardant. In addition, our product contains a blend of pleasant fragrances.

What is the difference between a masking perfume and a fragrance which eliminates malodours?

Unlike the normal masking perfumes commonly used, Tank Pong™ uses a patented formulation of fragrances. This formulation incorporates the technology that reacts at a molecular level to reduce the bad odour, whether it is faecal or urinary (including bad odours caused by rotting fish, cat urine, dog urine and human urine) and has a long lasting effect.

Will the treated organic liquid harm plants?

Tank Pong™ is organic and degradable. The bacteria/enzyme combination is harmless to animal and plant life and will in fact assist plant growth by making surrounding nutrients more readily available to the root structure.

Should harvested rainwater be mixed with domestic effluent?

We do not advise mixing rainwater with domestic water as there could be faecal coliforms and other toxic material in the harvesting tank. You might wish to drink the water in an emergency so bear in mind our organic formulation is not a disinfectant.

Should harvested domestic effluent be chlorinated?

If the harvested grey water is for irrigation, chlorination may affect the plant life and if administered in the holding tank will certainly kill the good bacteria in our Tank Pong™ product and prevent them from doing their job.

Should harvested domestic effluent be transferred to the toilet cistern?

We do not recommend using the treated domestic water for use in your toilet cistern. Bits of lint from the washing machine and larger pieces of organic material not fully digested could lodge under the diaphragm in the cistern which can cause continuous leaking and is difficult to clean. Also there is a strong chance that while the liquid is lying in the transfer pipe and in the cistern it could turn anaerobic causing an unpleasant smell.


Apply Tank Pong™ after the pump has completed its cycle into the left-over residue. Dosage is dependent on the capacity of the tank as well as the volume of effluent flowing through the unit.

We recommend 100mls per 100 litres.

Thereafter, increase or reduce quantities until the odour is gone.

Technical info

A clear liquid, free of phosphates and phenols. Contains amylases, proteases, lipases & perfume.


  • 1 Litre 
  • 5 Litre


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